Water-based inks are different from solvent-based

The biggest feature of water-based inks is the dissolving carrier they use. The dissolution carrier of solvent-based inks is organic solvents, such as toluene, ethyl acetate, ethanol, etc. The dissolved carrier of water-based ink is water, or mixed with a small amount of alcohol (about 3%~5%). Due to the use of water as a dissolution carrier, water-based ink has significant environmental protection and safety characteristics, safe, non-toxic, harmless, non-combustible and non-explosive, almost no volatile organic gas production, mainly in the following four aspects:
1. No pollution to the atmospheric environment. Because water-based inks are used as dissolving carriers with water, they will hardly emit emitting organic gases (VOCs) to the atmosphere during their production or when they are used for printing, and VOCs are considered to be one of the main sources of pollution in the global atmosphere today. This is unmatched by solvent-basedinks.
2. Reduce the residual poison on the surface of the printed matter to ensure food hygiene and safety. Water-based inks completely solve the toxicity problem of solvent-based inks. Since it does not contain organic solvents, the residual toxic substances on the surface of printed matter are greatly reduced. This characteristic reflects good health and safety in packaging and printing products with strict hygienic conditions such as cigarettes, alcohol, food, beverages, medicines, and children’s toys.
3. Reduce resource consumption and reduce environmental protection costs. Due to the inherent properties of water-based inks, which are high in homomorphs, they can be deposited on thinner ink films. Therefore, compared to solvent-based inks, it has a smaller coating amount (the amount of ink consumed per unit of printing area). After testing, the amount of coating was reduced by about 10% compared to solvent-based inks. In other words, the consumption of water-based inks is reduced by about 10% compared to solvent-based inks for printing the same number and specification of printed matter.
4. Improve the safety of the working environment and ensure the health of the contact operators. Solvent-based inks are dangerous both in their manufacturing and when they are printed. Organic solvents and solvent-based inks themselves are flammable liquids, organic solvents are easily volatile, and explosive gas mixtures will be formed in the air, and explosions will occur when they encounter sparks after reaching the explosion limit concentration. As a result, the risk of fire and explosion in the production environment is quite high. The use of water-based inks avoids such risks fundamentally.



Post time: Apr-20-2024